Thursday, September 20, 2012

Small means

It is a miracle that the three of us made it here at all, but we didn’t come through without a few battle scars.  The most devastating of these is the absence of our curriculum.  We had planned on a curriculum being donated by WIZARD, that may still come.  Due to the abysmal postage situation here in Cambodia, we may not receive any curriculum until mid-October.  We look forward to the day the curriculum comes to us.  Due to internet restrictions in Cambodia, we are unable to access the curriculum that we brought with us as a ‘Plan B’. With the inability to fulfill Plans A and B, we are left with the only resources we brought with us: faith, ingenuity, 4 laptops, and 35lbs of children’s reading material and early learning card games that were donated by my mother. 
For now, that is enough.  
Thursday was spent preparing the computers, organizing what materials we have, finding online typing tools, and attempting to download MAVIS Beacon Teaches Typing which, despite grand effort, was unsuccessful.  We spent a few hours deciding how to best assess the existing English skill in each of these kids which would help guide us in our future lesson planning.  This is a learning experience for both of us, so we make mistakes, but we’re improving with time and interaction with the kids.  

With love, The ICHope Interns

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