Sunday, December 9, 2012

Working hard

On Saturday the Vietnamese branch came to CICFO for a service project.  Most of the kids were still at government school during the service project, but a few of them made it back by the end.  We don't hold English classes on Saturdays, so I was there to help with the project: cleaning out the grassy area.
It was hot, and the missionaries were in their missionary attire, but we all worked quickly and happily.  Pulling weeds, throwing away trash, cutting grass, and moving logs.  Two of the younger kids came back and charmed the volunteers, and when all was said and done it looked very nice.

We're so blessed to be surrounded by people who are so willing to serve each other.  The Vietnamese members took time out of their day to do something that the kids, with their busy school schedules, can't easily do. 

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