Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas concert

 The author of the beginning of this post is Jet:

"Elder and Sister James teach Christmas Bells song.  They are missionaries.  And they are old. The first they come power is out.  And Christmas song is easy to sing, hard to sing without power.  The second they brought their son.  And they brought ice cream.  We all sing together.  Their son brings pens, color paper.  While we waited we sang the song and sister Aria played the ukulele.  Sister James brought the chimes.  The third sister James brings piano and we sing with chimes and piano.  She gave us the piano and the song hard to start."

This year is the debut of the annual Christmas Concert for all of Phnom Penh.  Elder and Sister James are organizing all of the music to be performed.  Elder and Sister James visit CICFO every week to work with the kids on 'Christmas Bells'.  It has opened the door for me to work more with the kids on rhythm, timing and conducting.  I had tried before, but without a purpose the information went through them like water.   Sister James brought pipe chimes for the kids to play while they sing.  This has been a challenge as well, but the kids are getting better at singing with the chimes in time. 

This week the electricity was on, so Sister James brought out her piano which she later left with us.  With all the additions to the song it can be hard to tell when Sister James wants us to start singing, but it will get easier as we practice it.
This is such a great opportunity for members of The Church to come together for Christmas like they never have before.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity to help CICFO to prepare for it.

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