Monday, January 7, 2013

New things for a new year

Aloha!  ជំរាបសួរ (jim briabp seur)!  Hello!

We've begun a new year and a new semester with a new intern!
His name is Corbin.  He is a TESOL major and his specific focus during his internship this semester is preparing the older kids to take the TOEFL exam. The TOEFL exam measures English skill level and is required for many post-secondary institutions.   He is also working with the 12-16 year old group in getting them familiar with computer and helping them get to the point where they'll be able to be prepared when it's time for them to get ready for the TOEFL. 

I see the hope of progress.

It's difficult going because the kids all have different government school schedules.  But he is getting to know all the kids and they're learning how to work with him.  We look forward to really great things in Cambodia this semester. 

We also have some exciting things coming for the 'home base' of ICHope.  We have published our facebook page and look forward to documenting our happenings through that medium as well.   ICHope has been selected as one of the projects that the Brigham Young University- Hawaii chapter of Enactus (SIFE) will be presenting on in their regional and national competitions. 

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