Sunday, January 20, 2013

Starting week

Here are some highlights of what's been happening with Corbin this past week:  

- This is a little late, but I'm alive!!! Socheat asked me how long I will be staying and when I told him only 3 months I felt sad knowing that in 3 months, someone else will be here and they will have to start over with him/her (not so much learning wise [hopefully] but relationship wise). It's going to be challenging getting these kids up to snuff, so pray for me!

-I was able to lay some groundwork down with group 3 and we'll be starting TOEFL prep next week! 

-Ohmigosh!!!!!  Taught group 2 for the first time today, they are SO different from group 3!!! They were still respectful, but so much harder for me to handle!  They don't all understand me, and when I ask they all say they do. Fortunately Vichet pretty much repeated everything I said in Khmer so that everyone was on-task.

-Today's class session was MUCH less frustrating yesterday. It's funny because yesterday we were missing about 4 kids and they were unmanageable, but today I had all 13 of them and it was just fine! I think my game yesterday helped them like me more. Anyways, it's a bit of a shame I can only meet with group 2 on weekends (because of their school schedules) but I do like them and from today's session.

Corbin OUT!

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