Monday, October 29, 2012


Due to circumstances beyond our control, in spite of all prayers and blessings on our behalf (for which we are very grateful), McKae was very sick while she was here.  She is now home in the USA and doing her best to recover from the mystery illness that has caused her so much pain
As promised, I have a few of our writing exercises to share.  These are from Chakrya.  I've missed her for the past few days because she was visiting her home province.  Chakrya has a momentum when she works.  I've learned not to check up on her work as often as some of the others because if I interrupt too often she doesn't write as much.

This is one of our first assignments, when we asked the students to introduce themselves.

Hello my name is Sim Chakrya. I am 16 years old. I was born 05/ July/ 1996.  I have one brother and one sister. I come from Svay Reang province. I come to live in the orphanage 5 years ago. The children come to live in the orphanage because some children don’t have parents, some children have only mother and father is dead, and some children are poor. My feeling when I stay at home I can’t go to school because my house is far away from school. I don’t have food for eat enough. My parents they don’t have ability to take care of me and they sent me to the orphanage. But when I came to live here I am very happy because I have good mother, good brother and sister in here. I can go to school, I can study English, study how to type and I have a lot of food to eat enough. I have opportunity to study a lot. Every day I study khmer at school, I study English at the orphanage.  I think the orphanage help me and take care of me a lot. Mom here always give good advice for me and all the children. I’m very thank mom to take care me and I love you. 
Everyone here has nicknamed CICFO 'the orphanage'.  It isn't an orphanage in the traditional sense.  A few of these kids are social orphans, where their parents are unable to be present in their lives due to their own choices. Other kids have quite a different background.  Some kids, like Chakrya, have wonderful, loving parents.  But because the family is so poor they are unable to care for all of their family.  I like how the organization title puts it: This is a Children Friend Organization.  That is where Botevy has come in and given at least some of their kids a place to stay, enough food, access to education, friends, and love. 

Chakrya types 25 wpm now, with 96% accuracy.  I don't have a good example of her writing as it has been improving, forgive me.  For now this will do.  I'm so grateful to be working with such intelligent, motivated, and loving kids.

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