Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's an all-day thing

When we were in the throws of internship paperwork, McKae and I were told that we would be working 6 hours everyday- 3 with kids under 15 and 3 with kids 15-18- with an additional 2 hours with adults twice a week. 
For the first week we were here, that's how it was.

Then school started.  We wish it was that easy.

Here is what we know:
  • Everyone goes to school in the mornings at 7am-- except group 1 and NahNah from group 2
  • Group 2 comes back from school at 9:30am, but the rest of the kids are there until 11am.
  • Almost everyone is home for lunch.
  • Group 3 goes back to school at 12 noon, and the rest of the kids go back at 1pm-- except Sophanoth and Panith.
  • Everyone is in school until 5pm-- except for Socheat, who is done at 3pm
  • There is no school after 5pm- except for Socheat and Sophanoth who go to classes at 6 and 5 respectively.
  • Lets not forget that Sunny, Yaya, and Sophanoth are also in online classes through Brigham Young University- Hawaii, and we help them go through that as well.  (which is great, I'm so thankful that we get to see how that works because it really is quite helpful)

We, the interns, would like to avoid teaching at the orphanage at night.  It gets dark pretty fast and it's a little bit scary, but just a little.  The more practical reason is that nobody likes night classes.  It's so hard to be motivated to go to more school after you've been at school all day.  Besides, what are we going to do all day?

So here is our current plan:
  • Arrive at the orphanage sometime between 8:30 and 9am- work with subdivisions of group 1
    • *those who can sound out new words *those who know all of their letters but refuse to sound words out *those who don't really know the letters at all
  • 10am until we leave the orphanage around noon- work with subdivisions of group 2 from
    • *those who can read new words and write independently *those who have a difficult time with letter sounds *those who can't read new words. 
  • Come home and eat.
  • Sophanoth will arrive around 2 to work on his online class with Sunny and Yaya.
  • Panith will arrive with Sophanoth and we will have him do the same types of activities.
  • Socheat will arrive at 3:30pm and we'll work with him and Panith until they leave around 5pm.
  • Chakyra, Chanthy, and Pattica will arrive around 5:30. 
  • Everyone will leave between 7-7:30pm.

Would it be nicer to work with everyone at one time? Yes, but everyone has such different needs that this way is probably better for them.  It's not too bad, we have fun with it, but it makes for long days. 

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