Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another Holiday

It's hard to work around Holidays when they aren't your own and we're not an established school.  The schedules of the students change on a dime.  Sometimes we get to participate, others not as much.  But it always leads to getting better acquainted with the students.  

"It was Chinese new year weekend over here but honestly it was pretty uneventful for me. Botevy them don't celebrate Chinese new year (anymore) because what everyone does is go to Chinese restaurants and spend as much money as they can (or cook as much Chinese food as they can and invite everyone over). Apparently they believe that the more money they spend on Chinese new year, the more they will prosper financially the during the year (or something along those lines). 
I think my relationship with group 3 is improving. I decided to do over yesterday's lesson today and that's when Pattica told me that he was having a very difficult time understanding all the vocabulary words I've been teaching them. He thought I'd be mad but I was actually very happy that he was being honest with me! I'll be working on improving my lessons and giving more clear explanations and examples from now on."


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