Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!


"My day was not too eventful, although I did get to spend a lot of quality time with my current love: my laptop (actually it was just about the same as any day). Today's lesson with group 3 was alright; I quizzed them on a couple of different words and then they started asking me grammar questions so I spent the majority of the time explaining those. It's moments like these that me thankful I learned about how to explain things like the differences between the past, present, past perfect, and present perfect aspects. Only Socheat, Chakrya, and Phanith showed up today so it was a lot more quiet than usual. I had the three of them write you a little about whatever they wanted, so you can read that in the attachment!"

I had offered myself as a pen-pal for the kids so that their writing would have more meaning.  I found that it was a better product if the kids were sharing with someone, and I was missing them.  It was a wonderful present to get 3 letters. 

Dear: Aria
Hello! My name’s is socheat and I’m grade that I have opportunity to write a message to u. How are you and how about your study going on???
I would like to thank you for your coming and thought us what we can do or can understand all about English book and computer by the way I’m appreciate for you, I love you so much and I really so sorry for u that before I had a mistakes.
However I know that you don’t mind about what I did on you.
For the end I want to say I like u and love u so much because you’re a good person who I know and I think the god will be bless you all the thing that you want.
I wish you have a good health study hard successfully in your studying at BYU and your family too… form me :socheat

Dear: Aria
Hello! Aria, how are you? How about your school now? I miss you so much and all the children in the orphanage also. You know I’m so great full that I know you and you are very best teacher. I miss your teaching because you had tough how to type and write the present. I always remember when we had play card and watch movie together about Nemo. Thand you very much Aria for coming in Canbodia and teaching me and your kindness. You know my new teacher is very good he teach me and explant me very well. He is a good teacher like you.

                                                               From chakrya

Dear: Aria
Hello Aria, I’m Phanith. How are you? I miss you so much, I’m glad to send this letter to you. How was your studying? Did you graduate from university? Do you have job?
We are thanks you so much for your kind to tough us in Cambodia, that can make us know a lot about English and how to type on computers. I know that you are very best teacher. Now I had studying with Corbin. He tough us about TOEFL words. He is a one teacher that best like you.
I’ll try to study hard…..
Thanks so much Aria. I hope we will meet again on someday….
Good bye…take care…………

It is far from perfect, but it is legible and communicated effectively, which is an incredible step.

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